LA Ink is an American reality show on TLC that follows the events of the High Voltage Tattoo (and, later in the series, American Electric) tattoo studios in Los Angeles, California.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
One of My Artwork that I have been working on.
Hannya Mask - Idea of Hori Mouja
Media - Pencil,Marker and Oil Pastel on Drawing Paper
Its been awhile since I have updated anything in here... Been busy with life ( Even though it sucks most of the time ) and new projects. Well, anyway, did this piece a day ago. Enjoy !
Its been awhile since I have updated this blog. I have been busy with new projects at the moment and I was down with a viral infection to my throat (Damn Pizzas !! ) and I was not in the right condition to tattoo for the past 1 week or so. I am still recovering from it and I would be back tattooing in couple of days...Hopefully !!